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※DIY自行施工隔熱紙,簡易教學大公開 !



犀牛腳印就像人類指紋般獨特 科學家研發新技術打擊盜獵

環境資訊中心外電;姜唯 翻譯;林大利 審校;稿源:ENS

美國杜克大學(Duke University)開發出一款可以讀取和分析黑犀牛(Black rhinoceros,學名:Diceros bicornis)腳印的互動軟體,能用來監視瀕危動物的野外活動,阻絕盜獵者下手機會。

這套「」(Footprint Identification Technique, FIT)軟體可在美國分析軟體公司SAS的JMP統計軟體上運作,使用高階演算法分析100多頭犀牛腳印的特徵測量值。

納米比亞黑犀牛。照片來源: (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

FIT可避免人與犀牛接觸  保護雙方免於病毒感染





犀牛腳印獨特,可透過演算法個別分析追蹤。照片來源: (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

納米比亞2000頭黑犀牛  每年約有50頭遭盜獵


納米比亞埃托沙國家公園(Etosha National Park)的工作人員解釋,納米比亞的黑犀牛是獨一無二的,即使在惡劣的沙漠景觀中也能繁殖。牠們已經進化成可以在沒有水的情況下存活數天。在長期乾旱時,牠們所食用的植物會產生有毒化學物質,而黑犀牛對此竟也產生抵抗力。納米比亞黑犀牛的出沒範圍也比其他黑犀牛物種大得多。


納米比亞埃托沙國家公園一頭黑犀牛。照片來源: (CC BY-ND 2.0)



FIT能估算區域內犀牛數量  節省巡邏車資源





黑犀牛(Black rhinoceros)

黑犀牛是犀科黑犀屬的唯一一種,原生於非洲肯亞、坦尚尼亞、喀麥隆、南非、納米比亞和辛巴威,最重可達1820公斤。黑犀牛目前包括4個亞種,被國際自然保護聯盟(IUCN)列爲「極危」(Critically Endangered)。 黑犀牛在20世紀曾是所有犀牛中數量最多的一種,但由於辛巴威盜獵嚴重,在20世紀後半葉,黑犀的數量急遽下降,從7萬頭下降到1981年的1萬到1萬5000頭。1990年左右數量又降到2500頭以下。根據2003年資料顯示,黑犀牛的數量已有回升,約3610頭。黑犀牛減少的原因主要是盜獵和棲息地破壞。 資料來源: Software Foils Poachers With Rare Rhinos’ Footprints DURHAM, North Carolina, September 14, 2020 (ENS)

Interactive software that reads and analyzes footprints left by black rhinoceroses can be used to monitor the movements of the critically endangered animals in the wild, giving conservationists a new way to keep watch on the species and help keep them safe from poachers, according to a new Duke University-led study.

The software called the Footprint Identification Technique, or FIT, runs on JMP software from SAS Institute. JMP is a suite of computer programs for statistical analysis developed by the JMP business unit of the SAS Institute, an American multinational developer of analytics software based in Cary, North Carolina.

The software uses advanced algorithms to analyze more than 100 measurements of a rhino’s footprint.

Because each rhino’s footprint is as distinctive as a human fingerprint, the analyzed images can be archived electronically in a global database of previously collected footprint images for matching.

“If you find a match, you can identify the individual animal who left the mark and, by plotting the locations of all the other places that mark has been seen, track its movements without disturbing it or coming into close enough contact with it for there to be a risk of animal-to-human viral transmissions,” said Zoe Jewell, adjunct associate professor at Duke University’s Nicholas School of the Environment.

Jewell is also a principal research associate at the JMP Division of the SAS Institute. She co-led the study and is co-creator of the Footprint Identification Technique.

“It’s a cost-effective approach that not only protects the health of the rhino and the human but also brings a centuries-old tracking skill into the 21st Century,” she said.

Jewell and her colleagues are now working with Namibia’s Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism to train wildlife conservationists, land managers, local guides and anti-poaching agents how to use FIT.

The scientists published their peer-reviewed study describing the technology’s effectiveness for monitoring the endangered rhinos on August 14 in the open-access journal “PeerJ.”

Namibia is home to an estimated 2,000 black rhinos or about 90 percent of the species’ total population worldwide. Though legally owned by the government, the animals are dispersed geographically on private lands across the country.

The black rhinos of Namibia are unique, thriving even in a harsh, desert-like landscape, explain staff members at Namibia’s Etosha National Park. They have evolved to survive without water for several days and have even developed a resistance to the toxic chemicals in the plants that they depend on for survival during long droughts. They also have much bigger ranges than other species of black rhino.

Stepped up government policing in recent years has slowed the rate of loss due to poaching, but between 30 and 50 rhinos are still slain each year for their horns.

Rhino horns, made of keratin like human hair and fingernails, have no medicinal powers but they can sell for more than US$60,000 a kilogram on the Asian black market, where they are used in traditional medicine or displayed as a symbol of wealth and success.

“You essentially have these animals with horns worth $100,000 or more that disappear from sight into the Namibian backcountry, making them an almost irresistible target for poachers. Authorities often don’t know a missing rhino has been poached until they find its bones or carcass,” said Jewell.

FIT allows the animals to be monitored three different ways, allowing scientists, managers, guides or anti-poaching patrols to use the software as best meets their individual needs and constraints, she said.

In the simplest option, the heel pattern on a digital image of the footprint is compared to images already in the FIT database to search for a match. This use is well-suited to situations where a random footprint is found in the wild.

The FIT software can also do a survey of footprints throughout the protected area and take measurements from each print to estimate the number of rhinos in that area. This can be useful information for calculating resource needs, the number of patrol vehicles, for instance, to monitor the animals effectively.

In the most advanced option, each individual rhino can be tracked and matched to its unique footprint using both FIT and heel-patterns. This creates an interactive library that anti-poaching patrols can use to search for animals at the highest risk, including those known to frequent areas under threat from poachers or those whose footprints haven’t been showing up in recent years.

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※DIY自行施工隔熱紙,簡易教學大公開 !



高雄前鎮乙烯外洩禍首 地下水污染釀災









※選購空壓機需注意八大事項 !

※DIY自行施工隔熱紙,簡易教學大公開 !



戴姆勒與旗下美國賓士 將為排放測試作弊賠上15億美元

環境資訊中心外電;姜唯 翻譯;林大利 審校;稿源:ENS

美國和加州政府與德國汽車大廠戴姆勒及其美國子公司美國賓士達成和解,戴姆勒與美國賓士因出廠柴油車在排放測試上作弊,違反《乾淨空氣法(Clean Air Act)》和加州法律,必須支付8.75億美元的民事賠償金,以及大約7,030萬美元的其他罰金,創下《乾淨空氣法》生效以來第二高的民事賠償金額。若再加上召回計畫和聯邦補救措施,戴姆勒總共要付出約15億美元(約新台幣438億元)來達成此次和解。

戴姆勒與美國賓士因出廠柴油車在排放測試上作弊,違反《乾淨空氣法(Clean Air Act)》和加州法律,需支付高額賠償金。照片來源:Alesha(CC BY-NC 2.0)

達成和解後 戴姆勒須召回2009至2016年的賓士柴油車





「我們傳達出明確的訊息,環保署會落實執法、保護環境和公共健康。若試圖欺騙體制、誤導大眾,將會被逮到。」美國環保署官員惠勒(Andrew Wheeler)說,「為了追求利潤而背叛大眾信任者將兩者盡失。」

2010年賓士Sprinter2500型廂型車。照片來源: (CC BY-SA 2.0)

戴姆勒聲明 公司是為了避免冗長的訴訟才和解












Daimler to Pay $1.5 Billion for Fake Emissions Tests WASHINGTON, DC, September 15, 2020 (ENS)

The U.S. and California governments have proposed a settlement with German automaker Daimler AG and its American subsidiary Mercedes-Benz USA that would resolve alleged violations of the Clean Air Act and California law associated with diesel emissions cheating in about 250,000 cars and vans.

The proposed settlement with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the U.S. Department of Justice, and the California Air Resources Board (CARB) was lodged on September 14 in Washington, DC with the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia. It requires Daimler to recall and repair the emissions systems in Mercedes-Benz diesel vehicles sold in the United States between 2009 and 2016.

The settlement covers approximately 250,000 light- and medium-duty diesel vehicles; these are passenger cars and Sprinter vans from model years 2009-2016.

Daimler and Mercedes-Benz must pay $875 million in civil penalties and roughly $70.3 million in other penalties. The civil penalty of $875 million is the second-largest civil penalty in the history of the Clean Air Act.

The company will also extend the warranty period for certain parts in the repaired vehicles, perform projects to mitigate excess ozone-creating nitrogen oxides (NOx) emitted from the vehicles, and implement new internal audit procedures designed to prevent future emissions cheating.

NOx emissions from vehicles play a key role in ground-level ozone production and negatively impact human health, the EPA said. Breathing ozone can damage lung tissue, worsen heart disease and lung conditions like asthma, emphysema, and bronchitis.

The recall program and federal mitigation project are expected to cost Daimler about $436 million. The company will pay another $110 million to fund mitigation projects in California. Altogether, the settlement is valued at about $1.5 billion (€1.27 billion).

“The message we are sending today is clear. We will enforce the law. We will protect the environment and public health. And if you try to cheat the system and mislead the public, you will be caught,” said U.S. EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler. “Those that violate public trust in pursuit of profits will forfeit both.”

Daimler denies the authorities’ allegations as well as the class action plaintiffs’ claims and does not admit any liability to the United States, California, plaintiffs, or otherwise.

The settlement resolves the company’s pending civil proceedings with the U.S. authorities without reaching any determinations as to whether functionalities in Daimler’s vehicles are defeat devices. By concluding the proceedings, Daimler said in a statement, the company “avoids lengthy court actions with respective legal and financial risks.”

Vehicle manufacturers are required by the Clean Air Act and federal regulations to apply for and receive a certificate of conformity from EPA before selling a new model year vehicle in the United States. Manufacturers must demonstrate that a vehicle meets emissions standards and disclose to EPA all auxiliary emission control devices (AECDs) and any defeat devices installed in the vehicle.

This settlement addresses allegations made in separate civil complaints filed by the United States and CARB on September 14, 2020, that, from 2009 to 2016, Daimler manufactured, imported, and sold more than 250,000 diesel Sprinter vans and passenger cars with undisclosed AECDs and defeat devices programmed into the vehicles’ complex emissions control software.

The defeat devices cause vehicles to produce compliant results during emissions testing. But when not being tested, the emissions controls can perform less effectively, resulting in an increase in NOx emissions above compliant levels.

The federal and state agencies discovered the defeat devices in Daimler’s vehicles in the wake of the Volkswagen emissions cheating scandal through testing conducted at the National Vehicle and Fuel Emissions Laboratory in Ann Arbor, Michigan and at CARB’s testing laboratory in El Monte, California.

In April 2017, a U.S. federal judge ordered Volkswagen to pay a $2.8 billion criminal fine for “rigging diesel-powered vehicles to cheat on government emissions tests.” As of June 1, 2020, the scandal had cost VW $33.3 billion in fines, penalties, financial settlements and buyback costs.

The Daimler settlement requires the company to implement a recall and repair program to remove all defeat devices from the affected vehicles at no cost to consumers and bring the vehicles into compliance with emissions standards under the Clean Air Act.

CARB Chair Mary Nichols said, “Californians live with some of the worst air in the country, air that adversely impacts public health causing or contributing to asthma, respiratory disease, and premature death. It also costs the economy through medical costs as well as lost work and school days.”

“Automakers must learn that in this state,” said Nichols, “CARB will continue to use the very latest and most sophisticated science and technology to catch cheating and violations that impact our air and health.”

To avoid stiff penalties, Daimler must repair at least 85 percent of the affected passenger cars within two years and at least 85 percent of the vans within three years.

Daimler must also replace 15 old locomotive engines with new, less-polluting engines to offset the excess NOx emitted from its vehicles.

The proposed settlement is subject to a 30-day public comment period and court review and approval. Copies of the consent decree lodged with the court are online here.

※ 全文及圖片詳見:








※選購空壓機需注意八大事項 !

※DIY自行施工隔熱紙,簡易教學大公開 !



保護全球最美星空 智利環團提告商業大樓「污染天空」








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※DIY自行施工隔熱紙,簡易教學大公開 !



農業廢棄物難處理 雲林開辦示範點回收









空壓機何時可換油? 教你正確觀念與維護 !


※大樓隔熱紙施工分享說明,教你如何善用空間裝潢設計 !

南非四爪動物協會(FOUR PAWS)主任麥爾斯(Fiona Miles)

南非四爪動物協會(FOUR PAWS)主任麥爾斯(Fiona Miles)心痛表示「這是非常悲慘的一天」,認為奪取獅群的生命絕對是最後的手段,應該要先試試看其他方法。麥爾斯進一步表示,南非的野獅剩不到3000隻,國家公園的射殺舉動,無疑對獅群是重大的打擊。國家公園事後回覆,會舉辦研討會討論這次的事件,後續有相關消息,會再公佈給大家。




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※DIY自行施工隔熱紙,簡易教學大公開 !












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※DIY自行施工隔熱紙,簡易教學大公開 !




4縣市實施非農地除草劑管理條例 學者:台中快跟上










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※DIY自行施工隔熱紙,簡易教學大公開 !




日本橫濱多處飄異臭 查出瓦斯物質濃度高



橫濱市政府今天傍晚召開記者會表示,從採集到的空氣檢查出有瓦斯等氣體所含的異戊烷、 正戊烷濃度,是一般大氣中所含濃度的10倍以上,丁烷的濃度是一般大氣中所含濃度的近3倍。此外,燃燒木材時會發生的乙烯與乙炔也是一般大氣中所含濃度的2倍以上。






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※DIY自行施工隔熱紙,簡易教學大公開 !


